Friday, March 30, 2012

We had to say goodbye...

...but you will always live in our hearts.  Thank you for all you gave us in your short time here.  We are so honored that we had the privilege to take care of you and be loved by you.  We love you, Payton.

This morning we had to let Payton go.  Her little body just couldn't take any more.  She went peacefully with Tim and I by her side.  Our hearts are aching more than I can put into words.  Thank you to everyone who was praying.  I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, but please know that I will be back to write a proper closing to Payton's story.  I may not have the strength to respond to all of your comments and emails right away, but know that your support means the world to us.

Christy and Tim


Sandra y Coco Pug said...

There's no words but only tears in my eyes and sadness in my heart. I feel Payton's life and your journey with her so close to ours... And I know there will be a time when we will get through this, and i know that each day is a present for us, just like Payton's life was for you. She lived much longer than anyone probably expected, yet she was gone way too soon.
I admire you and would like you to know that i am very sorry for your loss.

Elgor82 said...

Oh Christy ... I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet baby. Payton was loved by so many!

Love Ellen, Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Anonymous said...

So,so sorry. Praying for you.

Emma said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved Payton and I can't imagine the grief you must be going through right now. My heart goes out to you in this time. Even though I never got the chance to meet Payton, and was really looking forward to it at PugFest, we will miss her greatly. Ive been reading her blog for the past few months though, and she has made me smile every morning with her strength, courage, and humor. Payton made an impact on some many people and will be missed so dearly. Pug Hugs.

Ash and Emma

tubby3pug said...

I am sorrier then words can say. I just cant imagine the pain you are going through. Your commitment to Payton was inspiring. I dont think there was a luckier dog on this planet then Payton and I know she had a wonderful life with you. I only just started reading your blog, but I will miss her so much.
I wish there was something I could do for you but I know only time can help with your loss and that the hole in your heart will never heal completely.

Urban Hounds mom Kate

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Christy & Tim,

We are so sorry to hear this sad news. Payton was a special little girl and we are priveleged to have been able to meet her. These little furry kids are never here in our lives long enough. I know that Yoda was there to meet her at the bridge and they are having a grand old time.

We will be thinking of you.

Pugs & Kisses,

Cindy, Brutus & Ellie

Mia said...

My heart is breaking for you all. Payton was an amazing little girl and she touched all of us. We all feel your pain and we are here for you whenever you should need us. Take comfort in knowing that she had a multitude of friends waiting for her when she crossed the bridge.

Mia and I are sending love and strength.


Jess & Mia

Bicontinental Dachshund said...

We're so sorry for your loss. Payton will always live in your hearts.

Dear Payton,

Rest in peace. Run free in Heaven. You'll probably meet our cat Tom, also known as Shake-a-Paw. Tom has just left us to join the Great Beyond. Please say hi to him. When you shake his paw, please tell him we love him.


dw said...

Oh Christy and Tim, my heart is breaking! Payton was such a special little girl and I know she'll always be watching over you. I wish I had a chance to meet her, but I know I'll meet her one day, when I, too cross the bridge. I'm praying that you two and Gampy and Gammy can feel Payton's support even though she's gone. It just isn't fair that the furkids don't get to stay that long! *hugs* :'(

Noodles said...

Dear Christy, Tim, Gampy and Gammy:
I am saddened almost beyond words. I consider Payton my BFF of Blogville and will always keep her in a special place in my heart. Few dog have ever affected me this way. Not only was she named after Walter Payton, my all time fave football player next to Steve Young, but she was a fighter and a live-life-to-the-fullest type of gal. I will wait patiently for your hearts to heal and then look forward to hearing from you again.
Love always,
Katherine (Noodles)

Anonymous said...

I faithfully read your blog and was so saddened to here of your loss.Your love for Payton is so strong. I am just devastated for you.

Faithful blog reader,

Sammy and Neko said...

No, no, no.....
She can't go yet, we havent' met in fur....

We are sending healing juju to you, Christy and Tim for your broken heart.
We love you, Payton and you are missed by so many.

Sammy and Neko and their humans

Gracie the Agility Pug said...

No words we say can take away the hurt in your hearts, but know that we are all thinking of you. Payton was such an inspiration, and I'm so glad we got to meet in the fur.

She will always live in our hearts.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the terrible emptiness in your lives right now. There are many of us today crying along with you. You have displayed a real gift for giving Payton a voice and communicating both the fun and trials of having such a special dog. No human child could have been loved more and you have given her a wonderful legacy with this blog, one of my favorites. We will all miss her. Thank you for sharing her with us.

Shelley, Chloe, Camille, Layla, Sugar, and Pill

Heather said...

Christy & Tim,
Bruno and I send our condolences. We have been faithly reading your blog for a year now. Thank you for sharing Payton's stories. She always had such a bight personality and brought laughter to our lives. May her memory carry on. We will miss her!

Heather & Bruno

moPSY+MISIOber said...

I don't want to say goodbye to my little girl :( I'm devastated and cannot imagine what you, Christy and Tim must feel right now. I'll always love you Payton. :( right now I can only cry :(

Leigh-Ayn, Rex and Brutus said...

My heart is breaking over your loss. May God comfort you both and bring you peace. Run free in heaven Payton! You were one amazing pug and I'm blessed that your family shared you with us all. God Bless.

Unknown said...

our hearts are breaking right now, the lose of a fur child is horrible. Payton will live on in your hearts and your memories always.

All our love

Sarah, Puggsie & Riley

Pug Slope said...

Dear Christy, Tim, Gammy & Gampy -
We are so sorry to hear this news. It truly is heatbreaking. We will keep you all in our thoughts during this difficult time. Your love of Payton was amazing and we know she appreciated it. Your dedication and commitment to her gave Payton the strength to beat all the odds and live a normal, happy life despite her PDE. If there is anything we can do, please let me know.

Sid, Brian & Jenn

T,the Pugs and a BT said...

Christy & Tim, my heart goes out to you both today. I am so sorry for your loss and for Payton. There are no words I can say, but know there are so many of us out here for you. You both are in my thoughts and my heart.

The Daily Pip said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Run free, sweet Payton.

Suzy said...

She was an inspiration to all who knew her both virtually and in pugson. Hugs to you, Gampy & Gammy. Run free, sweet P...

Tiffy said...

My dear friends,

Payton was so special to me. She was my partner in crime and my inspiration. I knew I could always count on her to make me smile and keep my spirits high. She will always be in my heart right where she belongs.

May you find peace in this time of sorrow.


Pug Posse said...

My heart is breaking for you. Payton was a sweet little girl and was so lucky to have such a wonderful family that did so much for her. I am so glad to have had the chance to meet her. She is in very good company now at the Bridge and she is running and playing as healthy as can be. We are here for you if you need anything at all <3

Vikki and the Pug Posse

Anonymous said...

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. "
I'm so sorry, Christy and Tim. ~Sarah

Sandy said...

I've followed your story of Payton since the beginning and I am so sorry for your loss.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Dear Christy & Tim,

Thank you so much for sharing your dear sweet Payton with all of us. She was such an inspiration and so blessed to have had you as her pawrents. You gave her such a wonderful life. May your faith give you comfort. She is with you still and will be waiting to greet you at the bridge.

Bailey, Hazel and mom Linda

Kitty+Coco said...

Chritsy and Tim, we are just devastated by the news, and can't even imagine how you guys are feeling right now. Just know that Payton was loved by SO many of us, and will never be forgotten. I know that the way you have cared for her has been an inspiration to my husband and I. We are sending our love to you (and Gampy and Gammy).

Kitty, Coco and Lauren (Mom)

Vito and Gina said...

Christy, Tim, Gammy and Gampy - we are heartbroken. I am crying at my desk. I don't even know how you were able to write this post. We are all thinking of you and remembering your beautiful girl today. Payton had so many challenges but in many ways she was the luckiest pug - because of you - her most awesome family. You are the reason she beat all of the odds for so long. Take your time and fully grieve. We are all here for you when you return.

Love and hugs,
Gina, Vito and Vinny

Michelle + Myko said...

Christy, Tim, Gammy and Gampy,

We are incredibly sorry for your loss. Your unconditional love for Payton was so beautiful and inspirational. I can barely type this through the tears, and I never even got the chance to meet her. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for not giving up, and sharing such a wonderful pug with the rest of us.

Michelle and Myko

Archie and Melissa said...

dear christy and tim
i am soooo sorry!
your payton loved you more than anything in the world.
she was the luckiest girl in the world having you and your whole family love and cherish her.
that bond will never go away.
she is always, always with you.
i am always here for you.
all my love!

Punchbugpug said...

We are so sad for you. We pray that the hard edges of your sadness give way to soft wonderful memories. Payton was a very special little girl and you and your family gave her a wonderful life. Take care.

Debbie aka Punchy

Tamara Watson said...

Christy and Tim,

I am so profoundly sorry for your loss. My heart pours out to both of you. The love and care you provided for Payton, was so evident.

My thoughts sincere sympathy will be with the both of you.

And to Payton, may you run where there are no fences and may your food bowl be bottomless with your favorite snacks. Peace and love.

Tamara + Rupert

RebTee said...

Oh, no, no, no! Oh, I am in tears. This is so deeply sad. We are all so very, very sorry for this loss, and please know that Lola's people and friends are sending all of their love to you right now.
Oh, the light that has been lost.
Until we meet, Payton. Peace and love and lots and lots of stuffy toys to demolish.
Rebecca and Lola Pug

MochiMachoMarshmallow said...

Christy, Tim, Grampy & Gramy

We are so sorry for your loss. Our hearts are broken that Payton is not here with us anymore. Payton could not have had better parents then you.

Sending you Love and healing thoughts
Mochi, Macho, Marshmallow's mommy

Pugs2Luv said...

To Payton's sweet family,
We wanted to express how deeply sorry we are for such a great loss. Payton's and your strength and courage is an inspiration to us all. Payton's spirit was so great that it touched so many in so many places. Our hearts are with you.
Love, Zoey, Phoebe & our momma Susie

scrub4pups said...

:( Know she is now running well at the Bridge and you will see her again.

Kelly said...

Christy and Tim,
I am so heartbroken at this news, and completely lacking the words to fully convey my sympathy.

Thank you for loving Payton like you did. Thank you for giving her the gift of fulfilling and dignified life that she may never have known with any other family. You were her advocates in every way, and I know that the decision you had to make yesterday was your final gesture of making the best choices on her behalf. Offering her rest.

Please know we all walk alongside you in your grief.

Our love,
Kelly & Pearl

Minnie and Mack said...

OMG, we just got back into town and checked on you. We can't believe it. Payton, we will miss your terribly. You were such a fighter. And so loved by so many. Our hearts are hurting. We send our deepest thoughts and prayers to you mom and dad and Grampy and granny.

Minnie, Mack and hu-mom Kathy

christyed19 said...

Oh very much sorry to hear about Payton she was a brave sweet girl and we all loved her so much. Heartbreaking news. Thank you for sharing her story, it's easy to see how much you loved your baby girl. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. -Christy

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Our tummies dropped and our hearts hurt this morning when we read this. Payton was a shining star in the Puggy World. We will miss her terribly.

Sending you lots of love and know that our angel Nicki will be taking good care of Payton.

Meredith & Scarlet

Rae - Say It Aint So said...

oh i am so so sorry to hear this. i am sitting here in tears right now because i know that pain you are feeling. why my pug rose passed it was just this awful hole in my heart. i hope you are able to check in and read the comments from all these people who love you and payton because that really helped me. payton was such a sweet baby and you gave her such a good life! so many people would have given up on a sick pug but she knew she was loved and i bet she didn't miss out on a thing. thinking of you!

Madeline said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Payton was so lucky to have you both in her life.

Cathryn, Adam and Maddie

Aly ~ Cooking In Stilettos said...

I just discovered your site and both I and the Sous Pug send you many pug hugs and prayers. Payton was a special gal and I applaud you for giving her the best life. Payton was an inspiration and so is her family!

Too Cute Pugs said...

We're so sorry for your loss. Hugs and love to you,

Sue, Pearl & Daisy

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Dear Mama, Dad, Gammy, and Gampy of Payton,
We are saddened by the loss of our dear furiend to her fight in this life, but are glad we'll see her in the next and permanent one. Bless you for loving her and wesa hope that you know we loves you all and your in our prayers.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi & Mama Mindy & Mama CJ (avid blog followers of Payton)

Opaka said...

Payton will always be in our hearts as the kindest and sweetest pug we've ever known. Kai and I will be thinking of you all while we lick the tears of our humans who cry for you. Much love and puggy snuggles. Opaka and her human.

agent99 said...

As I was reading the sad news about Payton early this morning, a ferocious thunderstorm rolled through Chicago, as if the earth was crying deep heaving sobs for you. We have loved hearing about Payton's adventures, antics and fighting spirit. May you gain some comfort in knowing that your dedicated care prolonged her life beyond what anyone could have hope with such a serious condition. Wishing you comfort & peace. I am imagining her at the Bridge, healthy & pain free with Emmitt, Stubby, Josie and all the others gone too soon.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Dearest Christy, Tim, Gammy and Gampy. I know there is a very big hole in your heart right now.
The sadness from saying goodbye to Payton is soo big.
I know you feel like your heart is broken into a million pieces. We are crying with you.
We all loved Payton so much. We could feel all the love that you shared with that sweet girl. And it was so obvious to us how much she loved you.
What a journey of bravery and courage all of you traveled together. And I know you would do it all over again. So much love you shared.
Your heart listened to Payton as she said it was time to go. This was the most unselfish gift you could have ever given her- the final gift to set her free.
But now your heart is breaking- and we are here to circle around you in love. We are stretching out our paws and arms- to encircle you with love.
We are so sorry.
tweedles and moms

Hesta Nesta said...

I am so sorry to hear about Payton. Sending you both much love and will be thinking about you.
Jo & The Pugs xxxxx

Unknown said...

Christy and Tim, I am so sorry to hear this. I know how special she was, there will never ever be another Payton in this world. My heart goes out to you both. She had many friends to greet her, and one new one who will keep her company until she sees you again, Winnie Wiggles. They both fought so hard against this awful disease, and I pray some day there will be a cure. with love, hugs and tears, me and the puggies

Southern Fried Pugs said...

We are all blessed by knowing Payton. We love you guys.

Adam and Lindsay Martin said...

We are so sorry for your loss...we have been following your adventures for the last 6 months or so, but just haven't commented yet. You seem like such an awesome Puggy princess, and you have wonderful humans who took such great care of you. We will truly miss reading your adventures and seeing your fashion-ista ways!

Lindsay (human)
Walter (pug)
Ruby (pug)

Suki said...

Words cannot express my sadness for your loss. With tears in my eyes, there is s smile on my face. Suki & I are very blessed to have had many wonderful opportunities to spend time with Payton and her awesome, kind family.

Payton will always hold a very special place in my heart as well as in Suki's too.

Because of you two, Payton had a blessed & wonderful life.

Love you Christy, Tim, Gampy & Gammy!

Julie & Suki

The Devil Dog said...

We are so very, very sorry for your loss. Payton was so sweet. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Roxy & Lucky

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Christy and Tim we are so very sad to hear we know just how much you loved your angel Payton and how much she loved you right back. You have touched so many lives, not just mine but my family's as well. I send you hugs and so does my Mom to you both and the grandparents too.

Jenn and The Girls

Rumpydog said...

I am so very sorry Christy and Tim. It's so hard at times like these to know what to say, but I want you to know I do understand. I am here for you. I love you, and I am holding you up in prayer.

Chatty Crone said...

I read Tweedles Blog and come over to say how sorry I am for your loss. Sandie

Malissa said...

My heart breaks for you. From reading your blog, she was very loved. I know she takes that love and courage with her to the rainbow bridge. Bless you both.

Eddie the Pug and his Mom said...

Can hardly type right now...cannot believe this sad sad sad news. We loved precious little Payton and all of you more than you know. Oh Gammy and Gampa...
Our prayers are with you now and forever. We are heart broken for your little girl...
Eddie the Pug

pugmama said...

she and you both were so lucky to have journeyed together for her (too short!) life. our hearts and thoughts are with you in your grief.

Eddie the Pug and his Mom said...

Please read Dog Heaven by Cynthia Rylant...
Much love to Christy and Tim and Gammy and Gampy
Many Puggie Hugs

Crabbie Chris said...

Sweet Payton, I hope you show that rainbow bridge who's boss! You're one tough chic, and while we never met, I'm happy to call you my friend. Be at peace my friend....

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I really enjoyed reading your blog. Payton was a very special girl and it was obvious she was very much loved. I am sure she will meet my special girl, Pebbles that I lost on Nov 16. Run free sweet Payton, you will be missed by so many. I hope your love for Payton will lead you to getting another pug when you are ready.

Think of her often and she will be with you forever


Duke said...

Our hearts are breaking for you. I wish we could have gotten to know Payton. I'm sure My Maggie was right there to welcome her to the Rainbow Bridge. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Sue

Dana Orsborn said...

Christy and Tim,

Bruce, Daisy and I are so sorry.
Payton was one sexy little pug, and she
will have many friends at the Bridge.
We are thinking of Payton and your
family tonight.

-Dana, Daisy & Bruce

Oskar said...

We are so truly sorry about the loss of your beloved Payton. We can only imagine the pain you must feel right now. We came after we read Tweedles' beautiful post. We will be praying for your hearts to heal a bit every day.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & his mom person, Pam

Anonymous said...

Christy, Tim, Gammy & Gampy--- Long time quiet reader, we have loved following your journey & adventures with precious Payton. I always hope that I am making my Lola Pug as happy as she makes me... Know in your hearts that was true for Payton, she no doubt was a happy girl who lived knowing HOW MUCH she was loved. I pray that time will soften the hurt for you & your family. For those of us who understand the devotion to our furry "loves," There are no words- just understanding & love. Sending pug hugs, love, and happiness (sooner rather than later) to you all, Megan & Lola

Tucker and Lola said...

Christy and Tim,
I am so, so sorry about Payton, it just won't be the same on these blogs without her here. I was so hoping she could fight this horrible disease but her little body knew more than we did, she was too tired to fight anymore and had to go home so she can run and play without any pain or complications. She will missed by so many and was loved by all!

Mubi Chitose said...

Dear Christy & Tim,

This is the first time I comment, and you don't know me and my Pug, Socrates, but we have always admired Payton so much. We knew her from her delightful comments on her friends' blog, like Puglet & Sid.

She will be missed by all who's heart she has touched. Thank you so much for sharing her great pug soul with us. May she be with you forever smiling in your hearts.

Socrates' Mom

Dutchess the Pug said...

Payton was a brave pug. She was blessed with a life among friends and family who loved and nurtured her. Despite having PDE, she was a bright star. Thank you for sharing her with us. I'm sure she'll be waiting at the rainbrow bridge, happy and healthy again.

Unknown said...

payton was an inspiration and i'm so sorry to hear of her crossing the bridge. i think she lived a wonderful life with you and she fought to spend as much of her life with you as possible. my heart aches for you and we are praying for you. we hope peace and comfort find you soon.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Dear Christy , Tim , Gammy and Gampy
I have come back to sit beside you for awhile.
If you look, you will not see me- but I am with you in thought across the miles.
I wanted to let you know I love you.
And,, and I am hugging you.

Emma said...

Christy, Tim, Gammy, and Gampy,

So here I am crying and reading your post again. I hope you are doing as best you can. Since reading this post there are so many times I have thought of you all and Payton. From the massive storms that rolled through Friday morning, to walking my pug Emma, and even attending beer fest in Chicago, one of the brewers had a special Payton brew.....I don't really know where in going with this, but just know that we care and Payton left a paw print on our hearts too.

Anonymous said...

My pug (Izzy)and I have been long-time readers of your blog and have enjoyed seeing Payton's many adventures. Your strength, courage, and determination to not give-up were an inspiration to all. We hope that in-time you will find the strength and courage to love another fur kid again as I don't think there is a more loving home to be found than the one you provided for Payton.

Katie and Izzy

Bobbie said...

So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time. ((HUGS))

cat said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. I loved reading about Payton on Lola Pug's blog and I am here from there to send you my deepest sympathy. Looks like Payton had some great humans to look out for her.

Anonymous said...

I have a quote I always think of when we've lost one of our wonderful four legged family. Reading this always reminds me of the love we so willingly and unselfishly give to our pets. Always, always we have the beautiful memories of those hours, days, and years that they shared our lives. Payton was so fortunate to have you, but you were even more blessed to be able to have a place in her life.

“We who choose to surround ourselves
with lives even more temporary than our
own, live within a fragile circle;
easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps,
we would still live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only
certain immortality, never fully
understanding the necessary plan.”
― Irving Townsend

Sending you love. And, Payton, we'll meet someday. I look forward to it.

Genista Gold Milaika said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Payton was so lucky to have you both in her life. Run free sweet girl!
Princess Kisses

Bunk said...

Hi Tim and Christy,

This is Bunk here. I am so sorry for your loss. Payton was such a dear friend and I will miss her so much. I am sad I never met her but she was a beautiful girl and such a strong puggy. My prayers are with you. Please let me know if there is ANYTHING at all that we can do for you.



TimberLove said...

Soft husky woooos,

RA, Isis & Nanuk

Anonymous said...

Jeff and the kids and I are praying for God to give you comfort. We love you guys so much! I am moved to see how many friends you have here to support you. Awesome!!! Call if you need anything - anything at all!!! xoxo

Asta said...

Deew Chwisty and Tim,
I am so sowwy that youw sweet , bwave Payton had to cwoss the wainbow and leave you wif bwoken heawts, but I know she was loved aways, and aways will wemain . mommi says the pain gets a little bettew wif time and I'm sending my healing smoochie kisses to help you heal
Asta and Mommi

Stewey said...

I am truly sorry to hear about Payton. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Words cannot express how sorry we are! Even though we have never met I have read your blog since it started, sharing your many adventures. Please know that you are in our prayers.

Demarus and Trunks from South Florida

Kari in Alaska said...

Oh no I am so sorry. Rest in peace sweet girl

Stop on by for a visit

Frank The Tank said...

Dear Christy,Tim,Gampy and Gammy,

I came to do a blog catch up today and the first blog I always visit is yours and I was shocked and extreamly saddened by the news that your (our) wonderful angel Payton had passed over the rainbow bridge, I was so upset, the tears fell and I just want you to know that her story was one of true love and courage, she was a real inspiration to me and anyone who visited her blog! I know how much she took over your life and how much you loved her with all your heart and how much she loved you with all her heart! I will miss Payton terribly and hope that I will see her again one day! Prayers to you all on this sad day, love, hugs, kisses and to you all, From your Friend always Frank, Jemma and Malo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're sorry we didn't get to know Payton while she was here. She sounds like quite a dog. We know your loss is painful and you miss her terribly.


The Thuglets said...

we came over from our friend Tweedles. We are so sorry to hear the sad news about Payton. Please know we are thinking of you.

Run free forever Payton with the wind in your face.

Karen & The Thugletsx

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I stopped by to give you a hug, and tell you how much we are thinking of you.

Ziggy Stardust said...

My pal Tweedles brought me here and I want to tell you how sorry I am for Payton. I didn't know her but I know she is running free now.

Loveys Sasha

Idaho PugRanch said...

Like Tweedles, we just wanted to let you know we are still thinking about you. Pug hugs and prayers to ease your sorrow.
Bailey, Hazel and mom Linda

Jasper, Sarge, and Pepper said...

So sorry for your loss. Thanks for giving her such a special life!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am so very much sorry to hear this sad news.

Run FREE and FAST Payton. Til we meet again.

KB said...

My friend Tweedles sent me over. I want to say that my heart aches for you, and I send you all the strength that I can muster. May your Peyton rest in peace.

Unknown said...

We just wanted to check in and send our love and thoughts to all of you again.

Woofs & Licks

Puggie & Riley (and our mom too)