Remember on Friday when I mentioned that my mom and I had received an invitation? Well, it was to visit
Vito and Vinny...and
Hank! Hank and his mom Sarah were passing through town and wanted to meet some bloggers, so Vito and Vinny and their mom, Gina, invited us over to their house so we could have a small pug party! My Gammy came with me too and took this great picture of us pugs and our moms.
left to right: Sarah with Hank, Gina with Vinny and Vito, mom with me |
I've never been around that many dogs before. Hank greeted me at the door, and I started exploring Gina's beautiful historic home right away. Then Vito and Vinny came in from outside and let me tell you, these brothers would not leave me alone. Hank would come over to see what all the fuss was about, say hi, then leave. Maybe I give off a cougar vibe, cause the youngsters were all over me!
Me (and mom) in a Vinny and Vito sandwich. Do you see their eyes bulging at me! |
Now it's a Vito and Vinny sandwich. Mom, I think it's time we have that talk about boys.
I don't know what to do with all this attention! |
I know I'm cute, but seriously boys, I don't like my personal space invaded. Mom had to pick me up though cause I was starting to get snippy...after all, isn't it a woman's job to keep the men in line? I was out-numbered, but I did my best to let them know that I was the boss and in charge! Heehee! We decided to distract the boys attention with some gifts, so here they are in the kitchen hoping to get some treats.
starting on the left going clockwise: Hank, Vinny, and Vito |
Vito, Hank, and Vinny |
from top to bottom: Hank, Vinny, and Vito |
After a while the young stallions, Vito and Vinny, calmed down so mom put me on the floor. I have to admit that it is rather flattering to be fawned all over by such cute pugs! I proceeded to explore the house in search of food. I could smell treats (human and dog varieties) and I was bound and determined to find them. I really do have a one track mind. As a result, I pretty much ignored everyone - sorry Gina and Sarah! I kept going even when the boys got lazy and were getting scratches and taking naps.
Here's Vito! He's getting a belly/chest rub.
Vito (life is tough for us pugs, huh?) |
I think this picture sums him up! He's a momma's boy that loves to snuggle and play. And he's got the cutest snort I've ever heard!
Now here's Vinny!
Vinny (with Hank in the background) |
He is such a sweetie who loves to give kisses! Isn't his dark muzzle so handsome? My Gammy wanted to take him home!
And lastly, but not least, here is Hank! He is balancing on the arm rest of a couch.
Hank |
Hank is an Indiana Hoosier, just like my Gampy. Can you believe that this guy is 12? I've decided that older guys are where it's at. I liked his laid back style, and I think Hank appreciated that I left him alone too. He gave me a heart magnet from his local pug rescue!
Now mom can hang another picture of me on the fridge! |
Vito and Vinny live so close, I'll definitely have to see them again soon! And Hank invited me to come visit him and the other Indy bloggers. I hope we can hang out again! It was so great to meet everyone - mom and I (and Gammy) had a fun time!
What a fun pug party that was! Of course the boys all like you, you're a cutie patootie Miss P :)
Hank is hunk!
Meredith & Scarlet
What a great adventure you had, Payton! I think you put those young boys in their place! Thanks for sharing your day!
I was not surprised in the least to hear about those boys being all over you, girlfriend. You are a little hottie! You are so lucky to have met those guys in the fur. I hope someday to be able to do the same!
Awww that's so awesome that you got to meet fellow bloggers. Of course they were all over you, you're adorable!
Minnie Moo
Payton, sure are cute. If I wasn't old enough tuh be yer great grampa, I'd be askin' you out on a proper date I tell ya what!
Can you believe them kids, Vito an' Vinny? Nice kids but boy can they wear a old boy out.
Hey, be sure tuh tell yer mom thanks again fer the massage! She should start her own business (I'd be her "assistant" free o' charge!)
It sure was nice tuh meet you an' yer sweet mom an' gramma. You gals are welcome tuh Indy any time, honey!
What a fun party, Payton! I could have guessed that you'd be the center of attention. You must give off the same pug vibe as my friend Lola. This weekend, all the boy pugs were following her around the park - she couldn't get a moment to herself! Glad you were able to keep those fellas in line. Hank sure seems like a cool dude - very laid back. -Love Sid.
Hi Payton,
That's awesome that you went on another meet & greet adventure! Of course they liked you, your adorable.
What a great day!! Isn't Hank just the nicest pug guy! We would LOVE it if you came to visit us Indy Bloggers!!!!!
Way to put those young boys in their place :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
What a fun party! I'm so glad you got to meet some fellow bloggers.
I think you and Hank make the perfect couple but I have to ask: did you fetch him a PBR? You can't be Hank's woman unless you tend to his drinking needs.
I'm not one bit surprised that all the boys were all over you. But, you were a true lady and showed them who was boss. You go, girl!
Hi Payton
I just did not want your story to end! I love hearing about you meeting all the boys!
Gosh,,, how fun it would be to have a get together like that!
So many adorable photos and memories you made.
I hope you come to see me some day,,,,
Your so sweet and I just know we could be frinds
The first picture is just great !!! Lovely moms with their lovely pug babies :) (your mom Payton look super nice) but the last picture of you Payton is the sweetest one I've ever seen, LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH :) kisses GOsia
Mom was so lazy on her vacation that we just saw your post! What a great story! We sure did love having you come to visit us. Mom says she's going to give us a tranquilizer (whatever that is) before we see you next time. HA! Hope we can see you again soon, maybe at the Perk!
Vito (and Vinny too I guess)
Hey Payton, good to meet you too! Mom's read your blog a few times, and you're one tough pug! You've used up almost as many lives as the Foo! Thanks for stopping by our blog. Hopefully mom's got her head out of her pugbutt, and will post for us before another 8 months goes by!
PS, that was an awesome mini-meet up! We think Hank is pretty cool too.
Gen & the Foo
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