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Come on, mom! Give me the first one! |
Ok, so I'm really into the presents. I love to unwrap them and tear the paper and kill the prey inside! This Christmas was no different and in fact I was too quick on the first one for mom to even get a good picture of me opening it. So here's one of me afterwards, enjoying the tiny blue turtle in my bed.
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Thanks mom and dad! I love it! |
I'm a maniac, huh? It's a cool puzzle toy with little pyramids inside the big one. Of course, each of the little ones have a squeaker it them, so I was trying my hardest to kill them!
After only two gifts, mom said it was dad's turn. Sheesh! Well, I guess that's ok, but I insisted on helping open the gift I got for him.
I thought that was a fitting present, huh? For those of you that may not know, it's a Walter Payton/Chicago Bears football t-shirt. Dad named me after him. Mom did have a gift, but no pictures of her. So on to my last gift, the stocking stuffer! Those are always good!
It's a new Skinneez! A platypus! Oh, they did save the best for last! What a fun morning, and Christmas had just begun. Tomorrow I'll tell you all about what happened where we went next...Gammy and Gampy's house!
We love your Pugjamas! And they fit perfectly. SFP mama sure is talented. We also wondered where your name came from, now we know! That was an awesome gift for your dad. Mack said he wishes he could come and snuggle with you on your bed in front of the tree!
Payton, you'll have to come to our house and teach Mack how to open presents. He has no clue. He just stands there and sniffs it, he he he.
We can't wait to see what happened at Grammy and Gampy's house.
Hugs, kisses and licks,
Mack and Minnie
You're a give opening machine. And your jammies look so comfy and cozy.
Keep the fun coming.
Payton, I can't get over how adorable you look in those Pugjammas!!!
PUGjammas are awesome! And you're an awesome supermodel of them! You're a lucky puggie Payton :)
Your tree is very beautiful too, we love the white lights.
Scarlet & Meredith
well, well, well.... we already know that we will ask Santa to get those pugjamas for us. It looks so comfy. You look super cute in it !
Sorry (to your dad) about this year's Bears, but at least Packers lost, hee hee.
Sammy from Minnesota (Vikings s*cked big time)
You lucky dog, you.
Love Noodles
You look so cute in your pugjamas! SFP mama is talented! We love your name - Walter Payton was one of our daddy's favorite players, too! Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster and Liberty
hi payton!
oh my gosh!
you look so cute in your new pj's!
seeing you always makes our day!
This pugjamma is GREAT, and you look fantastic !!!!! Mom is still awwwwwwing ;) and then your presents !!! you are one lucky girl Payton, EVERY SINGLE toy is just great :) we wait for part no 2 of your Christmas day ;) love Fredzio Zuzia and Pucia
I too, LOVE the PUGjamas!!!! You look totally comfortable and they look like the move along with you really well.
Mom adores the video and that Present!!!!!
I gotta agree with Mack though, totally clueless about opening presets....unless there is a smell I recognize. :D
Loving the posts, keep them coming!
You look fabulous! And you are the best present opener we've ever seen. You really know how to tear that paper up!
Can't wait to see what adventures you had at your grandparents' house!
payton, will you pretty please teach my boys how to wear pajamas...those are so stinking cute!!
Wow, honey....you look cute in yer PJs.
I sure enjoyed watchin' you go at them presents! Yer a spunky gal I tell ya what.
Payton, You are so cute in those jammies! They look so comfy!
I love your little fluffy bed that you were relaxing on! So comfy to open the pressys by your beautiful tree!
I thought your dads gift was just perfect!
Your Christmas had lots of smiles!
I really like your bananas in pajamasssss playton!!! You look really comfortable in them. You are such a cutie pie.
BOW-WOW-WOWZER Christmas was fantastic in your house! I love those 'Christmas Pugjamas' that you are wearing, I cant believe they were made by the Southern Fried Pugs Momma, she is so very talented! I want a some, they look warm and snuggly like a snug pug should be!
I like to unwrap my pressis myself too, but I also like to chew the paper and run from My Mum who trys to take it off me!
Wow your Dads Chicago Bears football t-shirt looks fab, I bet he was super happy with it! What did your Mom get???
I love all your gifts but that Skinneez looks like it will be fun to play with (and command!) and plus its an adorable Platypus! Mum loves Platypusses...Platapie...Whatever, she loves them!!! I think you may have had the best christmas EVVER!!!!! Love, Licks and Puggy Huggys from your frind Frank xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Those PJ's are adorable, Payton. I'd like a pair of those to stay warm on cold winter walks. That turtle must have been on your list this year because you are practically glowing in that photo!
That triangle toys looks rad. I love puzzle toys - looks like you were enjoying it, too. Your Dad's gift is very fitting, considering he must have been a big 80's Bears fan to name you after "Sweetness" (my dad told me that nickname, he kept blabbing about the "Superbowl Shuffle" and how he has a tape of it, and a vinyl record, blah blah blah). What did you get for your mom?!
I can't wait to find out what happened at Gammy and Gampy's. It always seem like they pull out all the stops when it comes to you!
You're jammies are awesome
Stop on by for a visit
Payton, you are just way to cute for words! I loved the video of you opening your present.
Just had to post again and tell you what my captcha was when posting my previous message to you (silly Mom hit "publish" before I could tell you on the actual post). My captcha was "Kinggampy". How fitting was that? Shhhh...don't tell him, it will make his head swell up and he will expect us all to call him His Royal Highness or something....
Aw shucks (blush!). Thank you citizens! : )
Hi Frank! We got mom a new game - Lord of the Rings. They like to play board games and this is a good two person game, but they might let me play too!
Sid, we didn't get any pictures of mom opening her gift so I didn't even think to mention it. We gave her a game (Lord of the Rings themed) that your family might have tried, well your uncle and aunt anyway! We played it at the hotel in Chicago.
Darn, Lola, it looks like we are too late. I think I can see his head from my house now.
Oh Dog! You really racked up there Payton!
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