During my
surprise meet-up with Suki, she was so generous to give me a present. I put my nose in the hot pink and neon green leopard print bag, but there was just too much excitement over meeting new friends (ok, there was a ton of food out on the table) to really pay that much attention to what was in the bag. And then in the car on the way home, I was just zonked. The heat really drained my energy...
Brigitte, I was so tired that I didn't even try to stretch to the front...can you believe it? |
But then when we we stopped by Gammy and Gampy's to hang out for a while and everyone was unpacking, the scent of the wonderful goodies caught my nose and I would not let that bag out of my sight. Dad gave me two items from the bag. First a super-duper GIANT pink Cuz...
I love Cuz! |
And then at home, a gray Hedgie...my very first one!
Bellatrix, got any advice to keep this guy in line? |
Not only did I play with my new toys all night, but I refused to go to bed without my new Cuz! I used to take toys with me to bed all the time, but in the last couple of years, I guess I get too tired and just got out of that habit. Sometimes I don't even wait for my parents any more before hopping in bed. But that night, I had to bring it with me. Mom almost lost it for some reason. And then again, when I got back to bed after my 3:30 am pill, I was looking for it so mom had to keep it on my pillow. After I woke up (and I'm not a morning pug), I played with it again! Then in the afternoon, it was all about Hedgie...I didn't want him to feel left out!
Mom was going to wait and give me the other two toys later, but I found the scent of the bag and insisted that I get at least one more...after all I could see it's pink beak sticking out of the bag. Of course, she caved since I have my parents wrapped around my little paws! And it is the most awesome of toys EVER! It is a pink flamingo ballerina!
I'm having a blast! |
I am just a tiny bit obsessed with it. Ok, a lot obsessed...almost as much as food! As you can probably guess, I was having such a good time that not only did I take it to bed, but then I proceeded to play with it in bed! I have never done that before! It took mom and dad almost a half an hour to to convince me to let it go and fall asleep...something about being whipped in the face with a plastic ballerina while trying to sleep isn't fun for them. I know...I don't get it either.
So finally, as promised here is some video of me trying to end the world of a few more squeakers. I hope you like it. (Mom wants me to apologize for the fuzziness. She had to convert a .mov file to a .avi file in order to edit and it really downgraded the quality. If anyone knows of a good .mov editor for the PC let us know.)
And that's not all! Because I've been so cute playing with my toys, there's tons of other pictures to share. So here's a slide show cause this entry is getting too long to post all these photos individually. Enjoy!
There's one last toy in the bag from Suki, but mom is staying tough this time. She says I have enough toys right now. She's afraid that even one more will be enough to create an army big enough to take over the house. Is she blind? I've already done that!
Suki, you are a great friend and one of the best gift givers of all time. I can't tell you enough how much I have been enjoying my new toys...my new favorite toys!
Wow, those toys are awesome. I'm so glad they've given you joy and an energy boost. Have fun, and let us know what the last surprise is, once you get your mom to cave.
Gee Payton, those are the most wonderfulest toys I have ever seen! I have already put an order in for some of my own from The 'Rent with the cash. I cannot wait! Thanks for sharing and for all the pictures. And for the tales of your adventures with Suki.
Love Noodles
What great new toys! I love squeaky things and the ballerina is perfect!
Enjoy them all and what a nice friend Suki is.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Oh wow Payton, what a fabulous bag of loot! I can't see the video or slide show now, but cannot wait to see them.
You ae like a combination of all us three pugs. Sluggo is lammbie obsessed. Sometimes he will wake up in the middle of the night and suddenly need a specific toy! And well, the whole having your parents wrapped thing, that is me all over! Have fun with all your new toys
Wow, Payton! You play like a puppy! You beat that ballerina into submission!
Payton, you are too funny! You look electrified in that photo of you standing over the ballerina chicken. We'll have to try some of those toys with Sid. He loves squeakers, too! We see some familiar toys in the background, too (hide-a-suirrel which is still one of Sid's favorites). Also the quick transition from insane playing to totally passed out is something we are very familiar with.
Wilma - Sid also does what Sluggo does. Sometimes we'll hear him get up in the middle of the night, walk over to his toy box, root around for a few minutes, and then come back to his bed squeaking a toy in his mouth that he specifically wanted. It's so funny to imagine how those thoughts pop into their heads!
Hi Payton.
So glad you like your toys. Mom laughed out loud when she saw you teaching the ballerina a lesson.
I too take my toys to bed.
Payton how pawsome!!! Suki is a great friend and a giant pink Cuz is soooo you!!!
The Girls
Hi Payton
I just love all your new toys. I think a pug can never have enough! And sleep with them?
Of course!
I think Suki is the greatest friend to you...!
And I love all your videos..
It is so fun to see you play.. and hear all about your adventures.
Nitey nite
OMP Payton, what pawsome gifts!!!!!! What a cool friend yous got.
Mum laughed so hards when she read this post and I saids "mum why you laugh so hards"
Apparently Mum says that this post reminded her of the time my Tuni's momma let me bring home the screetching monkey toy that I couldn't get enoughs of when I visited them. That night and all the next morning Mum hads to listen to the screetch of the monkey as I went to towns playing hard. Mum emailed to Tuni's momma and said "thanks a lot... the stupid monkey doesn't have an off button" BOL I was obssessed with its.
Anyways, we luved the videos, very cool.
So jealous that you and Suki got to get together. How much fun!
Minnie Moo
Love love your new toys payton!
Loved the video and the slide show. You show t hat ballerina payton! you have so much energy. Suki is a great friend. thanks for sharing the adventures. Lots of luv from 3 very jealous kitties. :-) Chloe, Booker and Amelia
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