Sunday, May 15, 2011

PDE check-up…paws crossed

Hey everyone, please think positive thoughts as we wait for the results of my recent PDE check-up in Chicago.  We are hoping that my liver enzymes are stable and have not increased, at least not dramatically.

Payton at Dr. Podell's office
Mom is getting our Chicago pictures together so I’ll be posting about all the fun we had vacationing for an entire week. YEAH!



Meredith LeBlanc said...

We're keeping our paws crossed for you Payton!

Big Pug Love, Snorts, & Wiggles,
Meredith & Scarlet

moPSY+MISIOber said...

You look too cute Payton!!! :) My pugs keeping their paws crossed for you, and I'm keeping my fingers :) Love from us Fredzio, Zuzia and Pucia the pugs and me Gosia :)

Pug Slope said...

We hope you get good results, Payton! We're keeping you in our thoughts. Love, Sid, Brian and Jenn

Two Pugs in a Pod said...

Thinking good thoughts for you little Payton! :) We hope you were here when the weather was NICE.

Minnie Moo said...

Sending good thoughts your way...right...NOW!


Minnie Moo

Rambo and Miss Ellie said...

Sending good thoughts to you Payton...
Love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anakin Man said...

We are sending yous good thoughts for sure Miss Payton~

Salinger The Pug said...

Hi Payton!!!!
I'm SO GLAD you came and introduced yourself on my bloggie!!! Yeah...I kicked my drug habit (hahaha...after 10 days and the prescription bottle was empty!) so now I'm back to my old self! just put 2 and 2 together and figured out that YOU are the Payton that the Post Office ripped off and stole your brain drugs from Puglet!!!!! Pssssshhhhhhhh....buncha jerks!

We hope your checkup goes well and can't wait to read more about you!!!!
